#Oat Meal Recipe

Oat Meal Recipe

Here’s a basic oatmeal recipe along with estimated calories and nutritional information. Keep in mind that the actual values may vary based on specific ingredients and portion sizes:

– 1 cup old-fashioned rolled oats
– 2 cups 2% milk (or milk of your choice)
– 1 ripe banana, mashed
– 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
– Pinch of salt
– Toppings (e.g., 1/2 cup mixed berries, 1 tablespoon chopped almonds, 1 tablespoon honey)

Oat Meal Recipe :  Instructions:

1. **Oats and Liquid:**
– Rolled oats (1 cup): approximately 300 calories, 12g protein, 51g carbohydrates, 6g fiber, 5g fat
– 2% milk (2 cups): approximately 240 calories, 16g protein, 24g carbohydrates, 0g fiber, 10g fat

2. **Flavor and Sweetener:**
– Banana (1 medium): approximately 105 calories, 1.3g protein, 27g carbohydrates, 3.1g fiber, 0.3g fat
– Vanilla extract (1/2 teaspoon): negligible calories and nutrients

3. **Toppings:**
– Mixed berries (1/2 cup): approximately 35 calories, 0.8g protein, 8.6g carbohydrates, 2g fiber, 0.4g fat
– Chopped almonds (1 tablespoon): approximately 49 calories, 1.8g protein, 1.8g carbohydrates, 1g fiber, 4.3g fat
– Honey (1 tablespoon): approximately 64 calories, 0.1g protein, 17.3g carbohydrates, negligible fiber, 0g fat

### Total Estimated Nutrition for the Oatmeal Bowl:

– Calories: Approximately 793 calories
– Protein: Approximately 33.1g
– Carbohydrates: Approximately 130.7g
– Fiber: Approximately 12.1g
– Fat: Approximately 19.7g

These values are approximate and can vary based on specific brands and measurements. Adjustments can be made based on dietary preferences, such as using different types of milk, and sweeteners, or adjusting toppings.








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